Describing the core values of Zelvin Security, a cybersecurity consulting firm

Zelvin Security at the Core

Zelvin Security at the Core

The core values that shape the work we do everyday.

Team Zelvin is owned and operated by the leadership team, positioning the team to exclusively focus on serving client needs and delivering accurate, cutting-edge results without the distractions of providing unrelated services or the oversight of financially motivated shareholders. Team Zelvin operates with its core values which bring Accurate and Innovative results from a team who thrives on communicating with Diplomacy and Confidentially to provide the cybersecurity details needed to reduce cyber risks. 

Established in 2002, Zelvin’s mission has remained unwavering—to offer customer-centric, vendor-neutral security testing solutions that empower organizations to safeguard their customers, assets, and brand. At the core of operations are top-tier penetration testers, leveraging their expertise, collaborative spirit, and deep knowledge of IT environments to unveil security vulnerabilities for the client’s benefit.  

Proudly headquartered in Knoxville, TN, services extend to clients across the United States. Zelvin’s clientele encompasses a diverse spectrum, including large and small players in finance, healthcare, e-commerce, software development, hospitality, education, and small businesses. 

We’ve all heard of core values such as Innovation, Drive, Trust, etc. Those are great; however, we added a personal touch to the values listed below! Essentially, giving each a story to accompany the value.  

Professional Student (Innovative)

Creative problem solving and continuous learning keep us on the cutting edge of technology. All team members thrive on being challenged and learning from each other. We support creativity, healthy growth, original ideas, and the power of knowledge. 

Smooth Late-night DJ (Diplomatic): 

Clients are the reason we are here and sometimes we need to share critical information about their network, application or cloud environment that isn’t what they want to hear. We never judge clients or the work that has been done previously, we are here to advise them on how to reduce their risks. 

Dog looking for a bone (Driven):  

Our clients seek our help to see their environment through the lens of a hacker. To fulfill the SOW (Statement of Work) correctly, we need to dig for clues and find paths that are not common…to find the bone! We need to use ALL of our skills, senses, teamwork and tools to uncover hidden treasures.  

Loose lips sink ships (Confidential): 

Every client, vendor, employee, and partner are bound to a strict Non-Disclosure Agreement. Confidentiality is the cornerstone of trust. Our clients share their secrets, expose their most vulnerable assets, and bare it all to us. We always use a code name internally and never speak of client names or details externally. 

Bullseye (Accurate):

Our clients need accurate information to make decisions. Our test results must be correct and clear. Black or white. Risk or no risk. Ones and Zeros. This is a science and to preserve our reputation risks must be identified accurately and recommendations must be written clearly. 

Just a Phone Call Away 

At the end of every engagement, we tell our clients, “If you have a question, give us a call” and we mean it! We know that security questions come up outside of the annual penetration test window. That’s why we make sure our clients have access to our team throughout the year. The cost for this service for our clients is $0.00. 

Reach us by phone (865) 321-1970 or email 

Zelvin Security

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